Three Benefits of Bench Press

Typically, you will find blogs or articles written on the importance of adequately performed squats and deadlifts. But today, we will deviate from the topic and highlight the benefits of the bench press.  

The bench press is one of the best upper body lifts you can do. It builds muscle in your chest, shoulders, arms and upper back. You can bench virtually every sport for strength, too, which makes it great for non-bodybuilders.

Who doesn't like a strong upper body?

With the right technique, bench press improves upper body strength by broadening the chest and shoulders along with striking biceps. It is one of those lifts that will help give you a super-strong structure along with a powerful physique.  

If you aren't sure of doing it yourself, you can Google 'closest gym near me' to take the help of the experts.

Whatever your strength sport may be, the bench press is an undoubted technique that will help you improve your upper body strength. 

If you are wondering how the bench press will benefit you, our experts list out the benefits. 

Increased upper body push strength

It's not new that bench press improves the amount of weight one can push in a local gym nearby or anywhere else. The more weight you bench press, the more weight you will be able to shoulder press.  

Doing more bench press doesn't mean you only get better at bench pressing. Push strength is a must in the sports of Olympic weightlifting and functional fitness. Without the push strength, a simple act of holding a barbell overhead couldn't be safe. Thus, if you want to improve your push strength, you should be benching. 

It is an efficient compound movement

If you are short on time, you should tackle the compound movement. Similar to squats, the bench press works effectively on multiple muscle groups. In fact, many athletes refer to benching as squats for the upper body. This is because when you bench, you tend to engage your triceps brachii, pectorals, anterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi and some of the other muscles that wrap around your ribs. When you talk of the upper body workout, nothing else can be compared to benching. When you complete reps, all the muscles work in sync, which acts as a challenging workout routine.

Extreme calorie-burn

The common myth about lifting weights is it will make you bulky. Clearly, that's not the thing. If you want to be lean, powerful and strong, weight lifting is non-negotiable. 

Upper body lifts can lead to extreme calorie-burn. It's you are engaging many regions of your body during a bench press at once. This leads to ab intense exercise routine at the closest gym nearby for a serious impact.  

The more the muscle burn, the greater the calorie loss and the leaner you become. 


If you are serious about getting strong, there are all reasons why you should add bench press to your routine. It is far more effective than any chest exercise as it involves major upper body muscles. Apart from calorie burn, it also improves the body's overall strength.

If you are looking for guidance, you should search for 'local gym near me' over Google to find various gym options. 

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