Effective Dumbbell Chest Exercises Without a Bench

One doesn't need a lot of equipment to provide yourself with an excellent training experience. When it comes to chest workouts, there's a real lack of adequate equipment – most people opt for the bench press. There's a good reason why the bench press is so popular; it builds muscle very effectively. But what if you wanted to add variety to your chest workouts? How would you do it?

Oakleigh Gym is here to show you that not only is a flat bench unnecessary for your chest workout. This article throws light on how to instantly improve your exercises by giving you tips that'll leave your chest pumping!

Standing Chest Press:

The standing press is a great chest exercise that uniquely targets your pectoral muscles. This creates new muscle growth and stimulation.

Understand how it's done at your closest gym!

Perform it in a standing position. This will help to target your pectoral muscles differently. Perform this exercise by putting one dumbbell in between your arms and pressing the weight up straight to the front. When pushing, make sure you keep watching your arms and the weight, making sure that they don't go out of line. You also need to ensure that you keep your core engaged throughout the exercise. This is important as it will prevent injury to the lower back.

Dumbbell Floor Press:

The instruction on how to perform the dumbbell floor press is provided step by step below:
  • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor of your closest gym.
  • Using an overhand grip, grab your dumbbells—one in each hand—and extend your elbows so that they're in a 90-degree position with your triceps resting flat.
  • Your dumbbells should be above your chest level and directly above your elbows.
  • Engage your core and extend your arms toward the ceiling.
  • Pause and return to starting position to finish a single floor press rep.


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