Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility
Sitting down all day is really bad for your health and overall wellness. With a host of problems being related to prolonged sitting, you've probably heard of the importance of taking regular breaks (a slightly more productive version). When you sit for long periods, your hips and surrounding muscles become tight from being held in a shortened position. Tight hips increase the risk of lower back pain and degeneration, decrease muscle power, and even make certain movements difficult, such as running or squatting. When you squat with a rounded back, you not only put yourself at higher risk of injury, but you will compromise your ability to engage correctly in exercises like the squat and lunge. Don't let aches and pains get in the way of your active lifestyle. The key to letting your body move freely is strengthening your hips. It doesn't matter if you're training for a marathon or off to play five-a-side. Improving hip mobility will help you maintain that natural stride l...