Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility

Sitting down all day is really bad for your health and overall wellness. With a host of problems being related to prolonged sitting, you've probably heard of the importance of taking regular breaks (a slightly more productive version).

When you sit for long periods, your hips and surrounding muscles become tight from being held in a shortened position. Tight hips increase the risk of lower back pain and degeneration, decrease muscle power, and even make certain movements difficult, such as running or squatting. When you squat with a rounded back, you not only put yourself at higher risk of injury, but you will compromise your ability to engage correctly in exercises like the squat and lunge.

Don't let aches and pains get in the way of your active lifestyle. The key to letting your body move freely is strengthening your hips.

It doesn't matter if you're training for a marathon or off to play five-a-side. Improving hip mobility will help you maintain that natural stride length we all take for granted, but it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid those nagging injuries.

Keep those hips limber with these five hip and butt exercises so that you'll always be ready to score the winning goal! If you can't do them at home, go to a good gym near you to practise them.

Frankenstein walk:

This exercise moves your hips, quads, and hamstrings. It also increases the range of motion. Good posture is critical; avoid bending at the waist, and increase your speed as you progress.

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight with your arms extended parallelly in front of you and your palms facing down.
  2. As you get your body into this position, you should extend your right leg until it forms a 90-degree angle with your body.
  3. Lower your right leg slowly to the ground and then switch to the left leg. Swing your left leg in the same manner. 
  4. Do reps for 1 minute with both legs. 

When you feel steady, reach your arm out to touch your opposite foot and extend it behind you. For more support, place your free hand on a sturdy piece of furniture in front of you.

Hip Circles:

Incorporating this unique movement into your practice will make you a better athlete. For added stability, use a table or desk that is sturdy to brace yourself against.

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight on your right leg, with your left leg lifted.
  2. Do circular movement with your left leg.
  3. So 20 of such circular movements in each direction.
  4. Repeat the next set with your right leg.  

To increase the difficulty level, increase the size of the circles and repeat it with 2-3 sets. 

Hip Flexor with Quad:

This is a relatively easier yet effective exercise for hip mobility. However, if you aren't sure of its accuracy, it's best to do it under the supervision of an expert from the closest gym near you.  

How to do it?

  1. Begin in a low lunge position on a yoga mat. Take one large step forward while ensuring that your left knee is not in front of the toes.
  2. Stretch out your right leg and grab your foot with your hand. Then, push the hip forward, and you'll feel a good stretch along the front of your leg.
  3. For greater intensity, complete your sets with a bench behind your back leg.

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