Cardio vs Weight Training : Which is the best for weight loss?
Most people think of losing fat, and the first thing they start with is cardio exercise. Also, the general perception is that if you want to build muscles, you must do weights. However, there are not many people who are aware that you can weight train to lose fat.
Falling to the common misconception that one needs to do cardio for weight loss can be countered by weight training which helps in strength building and toning.
Weight Training Increases Short Term Calorie Burn
Bentleigh Fitness Centre’s first reason in favour of weight training is the fat-loss war against cardio is due to the calorie burn after a workout.
There are various studies that demonstrate that after a weight training workout, metabolism gets boosted for up to 38 hours post a workout. Understand the burning rate by taking a simple example. Imagine you are sitting and watching Tv, while you burn 60 calories an hour due to cardio, but 70 calories when it comes to strength training.
It might look like just 10 calories extra and not a big deal, but when it gets multiplied by 38, you can see it makes a difference. Further, when you figure out a monthly rate, it becomes all the more clearer as to how regular participation in weight training at a gym in Moorabbin will increase your capacity for calorie burn.
Cardio training helps you burn calorie at a moderately paced session, but will depend upon the exact intensity and duration of the workout. In order to generate high amounts of post-calorie burn from aerobics, you would have to do it for a longer duration of time.
With Sprinting, it is a different story and will create effects on your metabolic rate, which is closer to that of weight lifting. Therefore, it's something that you can consider. However, you must be sprinting hard to see the benefits, which is something many people struggle with.
How is weight training helpful for total body reshaping?
Another major advantage of weight training over cardio exercises is that it allows you to reshape your body completely. Cardio training at the gym in Moorabbin will help you lose weight, but weight loss is a combination of fat and muscles.
When you undertake resistance training, you have to follow a restricted diet, to lose body fat strictly. This will help you with a better body transformation than just by doing cardio. If you see someone who has recently lost weight and looks soft, then it is due to the fat loss but their muscles aren't toned.
Cardio and Calorie Burn
The calculations one does is mostly based on calorie burn during the workout. If you have longer cardio sessions, you can burn around 500 to 800 calories, depending on the intensity. That's fairly a decent number. The weight training exercises may burn your calories, reducing the overall body fat, but it's less as compared to cardio exercises.
There are various health benefits associated with cardio exercises. Obviously, strength training has health benefits as well. Still, when it comes to cardio training, it has a greater influence on cardiovascular health, as the heart and lungs work harder for a longer period.
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