Three Best Treadmill Workout For Every Type Of Exerciser

Are you spending a lot of time on the same boring treadmill routine?

It’s time to mix things up, still burn as much fat and calories without spending hours on the machine.

Here are some quick and effective alternate treadmill exercises for every type of exerciser. If you aren’t sure of inculcating these exercises in your routine, start under expert guidance at a gym nearby.

  • 30-second sprint interval

Speedwork is fast becoming my favourite workout routine because it makes any boring workout enjoyable, and the exercises are fun. If you think you’re not into speed workouts, give these tips a try, and I guarantee you’ll be hooked!

Steps to follow:

  1. Start the treadmill at a 1% incline. The incline will make it easier. Keep your pace slow for one minute. You can walk at this time, or jog slowly if you prefer. This will help you feel more energetic to power through the rest of your workout. This will help you get in shape and stay fit so you can achieve that summer body you.
  2. Now pick up the pace so you’re running as hard as you can (heavy breathing). Recover with 90 seconds of easy jogging.
  3. After an appropriate warm-up, complete 18 minutes of alternating between 90 seconds of fast running and 90-second recovery strolls.
  4. Finish with a cool-down walk of 4 minutes at an easy pace. You can jog or brisk walk.

  • The Endurance Building Workout/Calorie-Blasting Pyramid Workout

Avoid the burn and fatigue with this effective running method!

Steps to follow:

Estimated Duration of the Workout: 17 minutes.

  1. 5 minutes: Warm-up either by jogging or by walking.
  2. 1 minute: Start with 1–2mph above the steady-state pace.
  3. 1 minute: Steady-state pace.
  4. 2 minutes: 1–2mph above the steady-state pace
  5. 2 minutes: Steady-state pace
  6. 3 minutes: 1–2mph above the steady-state pace
  7. 3 minutes: Steady-state pace
  8. Repeat this until fatigued. Keep matching the steady-state pace and recovery with the total duration of your effort.
  9. 5 minutes: Cool Down session

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