Tips To Avoid Injury During a Workout

 Exercise is important for health, but injuries are not!

Athletes are very conscious of reducing their risk of injury while working out. Most people approach injury prevention with varying degrees of seriousness; some opt to take part in a rigorous program of stretching, nutrition, and rest, while others rely on luck to carry them through.

When it comes to exercise, most people think they know their bodies well enough to prevent injury. However, this isn’t always the case. Many experienced athletes and weekend warriors push themselves too hard or don’t take proper care of their bodies during and after exercising. Even minor injuries can lead to a lot of pain and discomfort if left untreated.

Oakleigh gym experts list Out 7 tips to avoid injury. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Warm-up and cool down

Before starting a workout, it is extremely important to make your muscles warm and loose. Ideally, you should do some sort of warm-up before starting a light-to-medium intensity workout session. You can accomplish this by either doing some form of active or static stretching for about 5 minutes. Or, you could just do about 10 minutes of light cardio to increase the blood flow in your body and increase your heart rate.

  • Resting in between exercises is important.

It’s advisable to give your muscles a break in between each workout, and if you are exercising heavily, allowing yourself a full 48 hours before working for the same muscle groups again is recommended.

  • Wearing the right gear while exercising

Creating a safe place for your feet is imperative when running on the treadmill. Thinner, more flexible shoes are more likely to let your foot roll over the hard floor, which can result in ankle or knee pain and other injury risks. Similarly, having the right gear for different equipment can help in preventing injury to a greater extent.

  • Plan your sessions properly

The key to staying fit is to schedule your workouts ahead of time and vary the exercises. If you work out the same muscles over the course of three or four days, you can cause physical damage. When working out, try to space your workouts and vary the muscles that you use. It’s not healthy to work out your arms for days in a row as your muscles would become injured.

  • Use Proper Technique while you do a certain exercise.

The most common injuries occur when not using proper techniques of doing a particular exercise. Make sure you know what you’re doing before starting a new program or exercise.

Using improper exercises can lead to serious injury, particularly if heavyweights are used. While weight or resistance bands may not afford such injuries, they are just as effective a tool for muscle strengthening.

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