Beginners Guide on how to get started with weight training


There are multiple ways to incorporate weight training into your exercise routine. No matter what age, fitness experience, or goals you have, you can have fun challenging yourself while also improving your health and strength.

When you first start working out, the thought of lifting weights may seem scary, but don’t worry because that’s normal! This blog will help you understand the basics of weightlifting so you can feel more confident when stepping into the weight room.

Benefits of Weight Training

Weight lifting is the practice of increasing one’s ability to move, usually meaning lifting weights. The benefits of weight training are endless. But the truth is, it can be difficult to stick with something that seems like a chore. Weight training doesn’t only improve how we function in the gym, but in our day to day life too, which is why it’s so highly recommended for our wellbeing.

You may have a personal trainer telling you to exercise in the gym or a partner telling you to exercise at home. It can be confusing! Thus, the best way to go ahead is by enrolling yourself in a fitness centre near you.

Here are just a few of the many benefits.

  • Strength training is one of the best ways to keep fit. It helps you build a strong and fit body.
  • Strength training is an important part of overall fitness and may be the most effective way to lower your risk of osteoporosis.
  • Strength training helps your body burn fat, strengthen your heart, and create a leaner body shape.
  • Strength training is often the key to weight loss, especially when you’re trying to lose a lot of weight.
  • Strength training can help people with chronic diseases manage their condition and live healthier.

How to get started with lifting weights?

The first time you go to the gym near you, it can be nerve-wracking, and gyms can seem a bit daunting! Don’t worry; once you get used to the equipment, familiarise yourself with the gym, and practice performing some basic exercises, you’ll wonder why you were so nervous in the first place.

Step 1: In a gym, you would find different areas where the equipment is. There is a cardio section, a free weights section, a fitness studio section, and a functional section. Usually, the weights can be found in the free weight area.

Step 2: It’s important to have a strong goal centred around your training. Whether it’s for aesthetic reasons or for strength, having personal motivation behind your workout will keep you on track.

Setting goals is great, but achieving them is even better. We encourage you to set weekly fitness goals and stick with them.

Step 3: Now that you’ve got your goals, it’s time to align them with what you do in the gym. There’s no one right way to achieve your goals, so don’t sweat it trying to come up with the perfect plan. The main thing is to get started and do what feels right for you and what meets your needs.

Some ways to get into weight training effectively are listed below:

  • Hire a personal trainer

Made to measure, personal training is the fastest and most effective way to build your fitness. From advanced weight training to cardiovascular training, personal trainers can help you reach your fitness goals. They can teach you how to perform weighted exercises safely and with good technique and create a weight training programme that’s tailored for you.

  • Try out Strength Plans designed to match your individual weight training needs.

A huge range of workouts are available, but it’s better to opt for an individualised plan.

These include visual demos and step-by-step guides, helping you to set up a solid foundation for your strength training.

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