Dumbbell Back Exercises You Can Do In 15 Minutes Or Less

 For this workout, choose a lower weight that you feel comfortable doing 15 to 20 reps with.

Dumbbell Back Exercises

  • Good Morning
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart & take a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders, palms facing inward. Having your knees slightly bent and your torso straight, gently hinge from your hips until your upper body is parallel to the floor. With control, turn to start. That's one rep.

  • Bent-Over Row

Hold a set of dumbbells & stand with your feet shoulder-width aside, knees slightly bent. Connect forward from your hips to lower your chest toward the floor, arms stretching straight from your shoulders, and palms backing toward your body. Brace your body, then drag the weights toward your rib cage, pinching your shoulder blades together. Pause, then lower back to start. That's one rep.

  • Single-Leg Row

Keep a dumbbell in your left hand, palm covering your midline. Hinge forward, letting the weight hang straight under your shoulder as you lower your torso and raise your left leg until your chest and leg are parallel to the floor. This is your opening point. Tighten the dumbbell to your rib cage; pause, and gently lower your back to rise. That's one rep.

  • Reverse Fly

Grab a set of dumbbells and continue with your feet hip-width aside and your knees bent. Hinge at the hips & let your arms hang straight down from your shoulders, palms facing your body. Boost both arms out to the sides as you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold at shoulder height and reverse to start. That's one rep.

  • Renegade Row

Consider a high-plank stand with your hands on the weights, arms spread, palms facing each other without a crease at the wrists, & feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Bend one arm and elevate the dumbbell to chest level, keeping your hips and shoulders level. Reduce the weight to the floor, then repeat the move by rowing the other dumbbell. That's one rep.


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